Whiplash Masters of the Universe

Strength and ugliness are on the side of some Masters Of The Universe figures. Whiplash was chosen for this duty. He stands as one of the right hand figures for Skeletor and his home is none other than the “Demon Zone” underground territories. He is a Caligar, and even though he has seen some conflicting roles in the comics and on television, he remains firmly on the side of Skeletor. …

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Webstor Masters of the Universe

Sometimes great mathematicians can go astray and it looks like Webstor was one of them. This Masters Of The Universe action figure was introduced in the early eighties along with his comic character. He is part spider and part man, hence the name “Webstor”. He has big plans for his life on Eternia and Mattel tried to bring them to life by making an action toy out of him in …

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Stridor Masters of the Universe

Some horses were given to various Masters Of The Universe figures such as Fisto who had a robotic one named Stridor. Stridor  seemed to be intelligent enough to keep his owner out of trouble most of the time. Mattel made the Stridor figure during the early eighties. He came with some impressive armament and the title of “heroic armored war horse”. The robotic horse named Strider had some bad encounters …

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Star Wars Early Bird Certificate Package 1977

Kenner toy company had scored big time when they won the rights to produce Star Wars related toys. Unfortunately, at the time, they didn’t realize it. It wasn’t until after the contract was signed and the movie came out that everyone realized how big a hit Star Wars going to be. Kenner may not have even planned to create an action figure line based upon the movie but once it …

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Cheron Star Trek Mego

Cheron was the strange name given to the deviant looking Star Trek alien from the television series. Being half black and also half white must have led Mego to copy the odd looking character. They did a fairly decent job, good enough to make him a collectible until today. The 1975 eight inch Mego figures included this Cheron figure. He was copied with somewhat less detail than some other alien …

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Spock Star Trek Mego

Aside from Captain Kirk, Spock was one of the most popular figures in the Star Trek series and movies. Mego was on top of things back in 1974 and created an action figure from Spock. The toy has since become a collector’s item. Read on to see more on the Mego Spock Star Trek figure here in this quick article. For those looking for a Mego Spock Star Trek action …

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Prince Adam Masters of the Universe

Thanks to a cosmic accident the central figure of the entire Masters Of The Universe series came into being. The central figure, Prince Adam, becomes He Man with ease, calling on mystical powers to transform himself. He owns a tiger who receives the same transformation along with him. His adventures as Prince Adam are few, but when he transforms into his alter ego, he controls the fate of Eternia, his …

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