Bluestreak is one of the larger autobots from the first generation of Transformers figures issued in 1984. As you can see he was boxed rather than carded. While the smaller mini vehicles were around $3 a piece these larger Transformers were priced up to $20. In the Transformer story line Bluestreak is a skilled sharpshooter. He is not sympathetic to humans and would have rather just left Earth to the Decepticons.

In auto mode Bluestreak is a Datsun Fairlady Z which, in the U.S., is more commonly known as the Datsun or Nissan 280ZX. The 280ZX was actually Motor Trend’s car of the year in 1979. The Bluestreak version below has the rub sticker on the side of the door.

Bluestreak came with a few accessories in the package including left and right missile launchers, three missiles and a beam rifle. The figure was made with mostly die-cast metal and had rubber tires.

A boxed Bluestreak will sell for over $150 to nearly $400 in depending upon condition. Loose he sells for about $30 to $50.