The Bloodthirsty Baron Zemo is part of Mattel’s Marvel Super Heroes Secret Wars set and was issued in 1984. According to the card back his real name is Helmut Zemo and he is 5′ 10″ tall and weighs in at 180 pounds. Not a big guy for a super villain!

He makes up for his lack of size with some high powered intellect. He is considered a genius and is a master of genetic engineering, nuclear physics, chemistry and the biological sciences. He primary weapon is the genetic scrambler which is a high intensity nucleonic particle beam that can instantly create nasty mutations of living things. Perhaps he lives in my neighborhood because I see some strangely mutated people walking along the road all the time. Nonetheless, he is one of Captain America’s and the Avenger’s greatest foes. Accessories included in the package were Zemo’s Belt, pistol, secret shield, and 4 inserts.
Zemo first appeared in the comic Avengers issue number 4 in 1964 and his first appearance in Captain America wasn’t until 1973 in issue 168. Interestingly, he never actually appeared in the Secret Wars comic series but Mattel still created the action figure for the Secret Wars toy line. He appeared in the second series of Secret Wars characters.