Some horses were given to various Masters Of The Universe figures such as Fisto who had a robotic one named Stridor. Stridor seemed to be intelligent enough to keep his owner out of trouble most of the time. Mattel made the Stridor figure during the early eighties. He came with some impressive armament and the title of “heroic armored war horse”.

The robotic horse named Strider had some bad encounters just like Mekaneck. He was not always a robotic horse, and, like Mekaneck, was rebuilt thanks to the mechanical abilities of Man At Arms. He came out with some pretty good powers. Man At Arms equipped Stridor with a laser cannon on the back and two on the front. A helmet for the horse was included as well. He had a twin nemesis working on the Skeletor side named Night Stalker. Stridor is credited with being smart enough to go and get He Man when Fisto was in trouble. As the story goes, Fisto was making the rounds securing the borders of Grayskull when he was attacked by three of Skeletor’s henchmen. Jitsu, Webstor and Evil-Lyn abduct Fisto and take him back to the Circle of Doom. Stridor escapes and goes to get He Man. Meanwhile, in the Circle of Doom, Fisto must fight for his life. After a few fights he is tired and nearly loses his life. Luckily Stridor returns, and with He Man, Fisto is saved and He Man destroys the Circle of Doom.

The Mattel Stridor figure is a good looking toy. He comes in four colors, light brown, brown, silver and orange. His body parts are silver while the legs and saddle seat are light brown. The helmet, front laser gun and his tail are orange. The saddle is oversized and is brown with a sticker attached to the side for showing Stridor is on the Grayskull team. The rear laser gun is mounted on a turret and turns. His legs bend to walk like a regular horse.
Stridor is offered as a single toy or as a two pack with Fisto. The two pack is rare and therefore hard to find. The back of his package will have a layout similar to a “12 back” action figure card. That means there will be pictures of 12 other Masters Of The Universe members on the back of the package Stridor comes in. Other toys such as a Battle Ram will also be pictured there as well. The front of the package will say, “Half war horse, half war machine, Stridor carries He Man to victory!”.

The Masters Of The Universe action figures and toys were popular with the children. Now they have become collectible items. The Mattel Stridor figure is one of them. He can be found “loose” or in his bubble package fairly easily. If a buyer wants him loose, the price will range from one dollar for one in normal used condition to $24 dollars for one in better condition. For a Stridor in an unopened package he can be bought in the range of $15 dollars up to around $80 dollars. There are a ton of parts and accessories available as well for this plastic toy horse.